Team Secret, the renowned Dota 2 team, has made unexpected roster changes ahead of the 2024 DPC season. After a disappointing performance in the previous season, the team has brought back two former players, BOOM and MidOne, much to the disappointment of fans. This decision has raised concerns about their performance and the team’s ability to attract new talent.
The return of BOOM, who was removed from the roster just a few months ago, and MidOne, who had been playing in an unfamiliar position, has left fans skeptical. Many had hoped that the team would scout promising pubstars to revitalize the roster under the leadership of Puppey.
As the ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 qualifiers approach, it remains uncertain which region’s qualifiers Team Secret will participate in. While they have primarily competed in Western Europe, there is a possibility they might opt for the MENA or SEA qualifiers to increase their chances of success.
During the summer, Puppey attempted to qualify for the Riyadh Masters 2023 tournament through the MENA qualifiers. Considering the limited qualification spots available, it would be advantageous for Team Secret to consider competing in a different region due to the intense competition in Western Europe.
Despite being the most dominant region in 2023, Western Europe only received one qualification spot for ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023. This means that teams like Team Liquid, Tundra Esports, Quest Esports, and Entity will be fiercely competing for that single spot, making it a challenging environment for the revamped Team Secret roster.