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Modern Warfare 3 Campaign Receives Criticism, Multiplayer Launch Hopes to Boost Morale


The campaign of Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) has been labeled as one of the worst Call of Duty experiences by both gamers and critics. This has put a lot of pressure on the multiplayer launch to restore fans’ faith in the game.

MW3’s campaign has received negative reviews across the board, with many publications expressing their disappointment. The six-hour experience has been criticized for various reasons, making it one of the lowest-rated Call of Duty titles according to Open Critic.

While the multiplayer mode has just been released, the poor reception of the campaign has already affected the overall perception of the game. Most ratings consider both the single-player and multiplayer elements, so it remains to be seen if the multiplayer can make up for the campaign’s shortcomings.

Last week, some disgruntled gamers mistakenly expressed their dissatisfaction with the wrong game from 2011 with the same name on rating aggregation sites like Metacritic. However, now that players have had the chance to play the actual MW3 (2023) campaign, there is no mistaking their disappointment.

Players have voiced their criticism of the campaign in various ways. The community has criticized the developers for delivering a short story filled with new Open Combat Missions. These missions allow players to navigate their way around objectives freely, deviating from the linear experience typically found in Call of Duty campaigns. However, these missions have failed to impress the community, with players calling them “lazy” and claiming they disrupt the flow of the story.

Another point of contention is the inclusion of Open Combat Missions taking up six out of the 15 available levels in MW3’s story. This has raised concerns about the possibility of additional DLC content, further frustrating players.

Adding fuel to the fire, the price of MW3 has also caused outrage among players. With a $70 USD price tag, many have criticized Activision for overcharging. Despite the developers, Sledgehammer Games, standing by their creation, it is clear that the community has made their dissatisfaction known.

The hope now lies in the multiplayer launch of MW3. It is crucial for the success of the Call of Duty franchise that the multiplayer mode is well-received and able to restore fans’ faith in the game.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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