A player of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet unintentionally created a new creepypasta after sharing footage of a bizarre encounter with a Teal Mask trainer who repeatedly appears in buildings and cutscenes. What makes it even stranger is that this phenomenon occurs despite the player not owning the DLC. The trainer, dressed in a Green Festival Jinbei outfit, seems to be omnipresent, appearing wherever the player goes – be it exploring the academy, enjoying a sandwich in a cave with Arven, or visiting a gym.
Puzzled and perhaps even frightened, the player uploaded images and videos of these eerie incidents on Reddit, seeking answers or similar experiences from others. However, it appears that this phenomenon is unique to them, leading to the birth of a new Pokémon-themed creepypasta.
Creepypastas are scary stories associated with various subjects, including games. Pokémon has its fair share of creepypastas, such as Lost Silver, a tale of a haunted Gameboy Color cartridge, or Lavender Town Syndrome, a story revolving around mysterious deaths caused by a town’s music.
While no creepypasta about this particular trainer has emerged yet, many believe it is only a matter of time due to its unsettling nature. Some theories suggest that the trainer could be a deceased developer haunting the game, while others propose that it is a non-playable character who has somehow come to life, seeking assistance or companionship from the player.
Setting aside the creepypasta theories, a more plausible explanation is that the Pokémon trainer is a glitched placeholder within the game’s programming, unintentionally visible to players. This placeholder could take the form of anything, even a Slowbro, which previously made headlines for unexpectedly appearing in cutscenes.
Regardless of the true cause, this peculiar occurrence possesses all the elements of a classic Scarlet and Violet creepypasta. It is a spine-chilling and captivating story that has captured the attention of the Pokémon community, likely to be discussed for years to come.
Now, let us remain vigilant and keep an eye over our shoulders, shall we?