A Twitch streamer has embarked on an ambitious quest to complete Pokémon Sapphire using the infinite digits of Pi as commands. Despite over two years of continuous gameplay, progress has been excruciatingly slow, with the player still stuck in Littleroot Town. However, with a level 77 Sceptile at their disposal, victory is not entirely out of reach.
The Twitch channel, WinningSequence, initiated this endeavor inspired by the question of whether Shakespeare’s entire works can be found within the digits of Pi. While the creator’s intentions remain unclear, the stream continues to run on a Google Cloud Server, allowing for indefinite gameplay.
Although the current pace suggests that completion may not occur within our lifetime, there is still a glimmer of hope. With some stroke of luck, Pi might eventually triumph over Pokémon Sapphire. Until then, we eagerly await the five-year update in 2026, hoping for progress beyond Littleroot Town.
Date | Progress |
October 16, 2021 | Gameplay begins in Littleroot Town |