Marvel Snap introduces a powerful card called Gladiator, known for its impressive stat line. Despite being a three-cost card with seven Power, Gladiator comes with a drawback that can make or break your game. When played, Gladiator randomly calls a card from your opponent’s deck in the same location. If the called card has lower Power than Gladiator, it is destroyed. However, if it has eight or more Power, it remains in the location as a free play for your opponent. This ability makes Gladiator a high-risk, high-reward card in Marvel Snap.
Recently, a Reddit user named Nayr39 shared their gameplay experience with Gladiator in the Bar Sinister location. This location duplicates the first card played here, resulting in four Gladiators on the field. As a result, Gladiator’s effect triggered four times, leading to the destruction of four cards from the opponent’s deck. Iron Lad, Blue Marvel, Mister Sinister, and Invisible Woman were all eliminated due to their lower Power compared to Gladiator.
To further spice up the game, Nayr39 also played Yondu in the left Limbo location, destroying Patriot in the process. This move left the opponent helpless, as their deck heavily relied on the boosts provided by Patriot and Blue Marvel to their vanilla cards. Additionally, Iron Lad’s potential ability boost and extra Power were crucial for their strategy.
The opponent had no choice but to retreat, granting Nayr39 four cubes in their Conquest mode match. The post received nearly 900 upvotes and garnered hilarious comments from fans who were amazed by the lucky play executed by Nayr39.
“One user even jokingly mentioned the attempt to ‘snap’ again,” referring to the risky move made by Nayr39.
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