Hwei, the latest champion announced during the League World Championship grand final, has sparked controversy among Dota 2 fans who believe he bears a striking resemblance to Invoker. The Dota community has criticized Hwei as a “cheap copy” and a “dumbed down version” of Invoker due to his simplified spell combinations. While Hwei can only cast three set spells back-to-back, Invoker has access to a vast arsenal of spells with shorter cooldowns. Dota fans also question whether League’s client can handle a complex champion like Invoker.
Furthermore, Dota fans have pointed out similarities between Hwei and other League champions, such as Sylas and Viego, who share concepts with the spell-stealing Rubick but lack the seamless execution. However, League champions have been growing in complexity, as seen with the introduction of Aphelios in 2019, suggesting that the client may be capable of handling more intricate champions.
It is worth noting that Hwei also bears similarities to another hero, Grimstroke, in terms of their artistic themes and abilities. Both champions utilize a paintbrush and vibrant, colorful abilities to “paint” the map. Whether these similarities are coincidental or intentional remains to be seen.
While the Dota community has raised concerns about Hwei’s resemblance to Invoker, it is important to wait until the champion is released on the PBE on Monday, Nov. 20, to make a final judgment. Only then will we know if Hwei truly lives up to the complexity and uniqueness of Invoker.