Riot Games has unveiled their latest League of Legends champion, Hwei, at the 2023 Worlds Championship finals. However, his abilities are so intricate that the developers had to release an official ability cheat sheet shortly after his announcement.
Hwei, a mid-lane champion, will be available for play on the League PBE servers starting from November 20th. His official debut will be on December 6th with the arrival of Patch 13.24. While the arrival of a new champion is exciting, Hwei’s abilities pose a potential challenge.
Unlike other champions, Hwei’s abilities can be combined to create new ones. The complexity arises from the fact that these combinations result in different abilities based on three subjects: Disaster (red/orange), Serenity (blue), and Torment (purple).
For example, combining the Q ability with another Q ability from the Disaster subject will yield Devastating Fire: Burst Damage. However, performing the same Q+Q combo from the Torment subject will produce Grim Visage: Disengage Flee.
Players will need to remember the abilities associated with each subject, as well as the base kit and nine different combos. This complexity necessitated the release of an official cheat sheet to assist players in mastering Hwei’s unique mechanics.
As someone who tends to mash buttons, I am slightly apprehensive about the unintended combos I may unleash when playing as Hwei. Nevertheless, this complexity will keep both my enemies and myself on our toes.