Invoker: Powerless without the Arsenal
When you strip Invoker of his ability to Invoke spells, he becomes a mere shadow of his former self. Left with only three Orbs, his utility diminishes significantly. Without the ability to cast spells, Invoker loses his potential and becomes a lackluster hero. While he may still be able to deal physical damage, other carry heroes can do it better. Without access to his ten spells, Invoker’s value is greatly diminished.
Meepo: Alone and Vulnerable
Meepo’s strength lies in his ability to multiply himself and overwhelm his enemies with numbers. Without his ultimate skill, he loses his clone army and becomes a mediocre damage dealer and disabler. Meepo relies on his clones for support, and without them, he is easily defeated. The absence of his buddies leaves Meepo vulnerable and unable to reach his full potential.
Rubick: A Magus without Spells
Rubick, the Grand Magus, is known for his ability to steal and use enemy spells against them. However, without his Spell Steal, Rubick loses his defining feature. While he still possesses skills like Fade Bolt and Telekinesis, they are not enough to make him a formidable threat. Without the ability to steal spells, Rubick’s utility is greatly diminished, and he becomes a shadow of his former self.
Tinker: Powerless without Rearm
Tinker’s strength lies in his ability to constantly refresh his spells and items with Rearm. Without this ability, he loses his ability to spam Heat-Seeking Missiles, Bouncing Laser, and provide shields for his teammates. Rearm also allows Tinker to constantly teleport and use powerful items like Scythe of Vyse and Dagon. Without Rearm, Tinker loses his power spike and becomes just another ordinary caster.
Apart from Invoker, these heroes are not as prominent in the current meta. However, with the upcoming Patch 7.35 and the introduction of the Ringmaster, we hope to see changes that will bring these heroes back into the spotlight.