Monster Hunter Now, the latest AR game from Niantic, the studio behind Pokémon Go, has left fans disappointed with the absence of Palamutes, the beloved dog partners from Monster Hunter Rise. While Palicos (the cat partners) have made an appearance, speculation arose that Palamutes might not be included at all. However, Niantic has hinted at the possibility of adding more content, including Palamutes, in future updates.
During an interview at Gamescom, Kei Kawai, Executive Producer of Monster Hunter Now, expressed the team’s happiness with Palicos but acknowledged the community’s desire for more weapon types, monsters, and Palamutes. While no announcements were made at this time, Kawai mentioned the team’s intention to expand the world of Monster Hunter Now over time, starting with the game’s launch on September 14 for iOS and Android devices.
The success of Monster Hunter Now will determine the extent of future updates. Niantic games, apart from Pokémon Go, have typically had a lifespan of around a year. Therefore, it remains to be seen how well Monster Hunter Now will perform and whether it will receive ongoing support and updates.
Date | Time | Score |
Gamescom | N/A | N/A |
September 14 | N/A | N/A |