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League of Legends Arena: Best Champions Tier List


Discover the top champions to dominate in League of Legends Arena mode. Check out our tier list for the best picks and strategies to secure victory in this exciting new game mode.

S-Tier Champions

Champion Win Rate
Jax 60%
Annie 60.52%
Fiora 61.79%
Kayle 57%
Kennen 63%
Vayne 60.28%
Yorick 61%
Cassiopeia 57.23%
Kayn 60%
Swain 57.23%
Warwick 60%
Kai’Sa 57.72%
Skarner 60%
Renekton 60%

A-Tier Champions

Champion Win Rate
Master Yi 54%
Sett 54%
Viktor 53%
Wukong 52%
Kalista 51%
Twitch 51%
Singed 50%
Volibear 49%
Kog’Maw 49%
Kindred 48%
Vi 48%
Illaoi 47%
Jayce 47%
Vladimir 46%
Lillia 46%
Zyra 45%
Zac 45%
Brand 44%
Urgot 44%
Sona 43%
Riven 43%
Soraka 42%

B-Tier Champions

Champion Win Rate
Taric 41%
Alistar 40%
Nasus 39%
Dr Mundo 39%
Ivern 38%
Trundle 38%
Malzahar 37%
Corki 37%
Anivia 36%
Varus 36%
Rakan 35%
Nilah 35%
Mordekaiser 34%
Maokai 34%
Veigar 33%
Samira 33%
Gwen 32%
Milio 32%
Xayah 31%
Vel’Koz 31%
Draven 30%
Lucian 30%
Aurelion Sol 29%
Lissandra 29%

C-Tier Champions

Champion Win Rate
Lulu 28%
Zed 28%
Leona 27%
Heimerdinger 27%
Pantheon 26%
Bel’Veth 26%
Janna 25%
Udyr 25%
Graves 24%
Irelia 24%
Sivir 23%
Jarvan IV 23%
Renata Glasc 22%
Miss Fortune 22%
Karma 21%
Gangplank 21%
Nautilus 20%
Cho’Gath 20%
Kha’Zix 19%
Fizz 19%
Gnar 18%
Yasuo 18%
Shaco 17%
Morgana 17%
Elise 16%
Xin Zhao 16%
Ashe 15%
Rumble 15%

D-Tier Champions

Champion Win Rate
Lulu 14%
Zed 14%
Leona 13%
Heimerdinger 13%
Pantheon 12%
Bel’Veth 12%
Janna 11%
Udyr 11%
Graves 10%
Irelia 10%
Sivir 9%
Jarvan IV 9%
Renata Glasc 8%
Miss Fortune 8%
Karma 7%
Gangplank 7%
Nautilus 6%
Cho’Gath 6%
Kha’Zix 5%
Fizz 5%
Gnar 4%
Yasuo 4%
Shaco 3%
Morgana 3%
Elise 2%
Xin Zhao 2%
Ashe 1%
Rumble 1%

E-Tier Champions

Champion Win Rate
Pyke 1%
Caitlyn 1%
Jhin 1%
Azir 1%
Viego 1%
Rengar 1%
Aphelios 1%
Bard 1%
Rammus 1%
K’Sante 1%
Tryndamere 1%
Nami 1%
Lee Sin 1%
Nidalee 1%
Sion 1%
Quinn 1%
Nunu and Willump 1%
Zoe 1%
Rek’Sai 1%
Yuumi 1%
Ezreal 1%
Akali 1%
Akshan 1%
Sejuani 1%
Katarina 1%
Orianna 1%
Quinn 1%
Gragas 1%
Zilean 1%
Kassadin 1%
LeBlanc 1%
Evelynn 1%



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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