CS:GO players still face rampant cheating issues after 11 years since the game’s release. Despite numerous complaints from the player base, Valve has failed to effectively address the problem, leaving players disheartened and frustrated.
According to a seasoned CS:GO player, the number of cheaters in the game has been increasing. They claim to encounter at least one suspicious player every five matches, which is a concerning trend. Another player with over 10,000 hours in CS:GO expressed their disappointment in being matched with blatant cheaters on new accounts with less than 100 hours played.
The frustration expressed by players is supported by VAC Ban statistics, which show a significant decline in the number of bans issued by Valve. In March, over 4,000 players were banned in a single ban wave, but in August, the daily bans dropped to 50 or fewer. This lack of action from Valve is likely due to their focus on the development of CS2 and the upcoming release of the game.
While players hope for a more invasive anti-cheating system in CS2, similar to VALORANT, Valve has introduced VAC Live as a temporary solution. This tool allows for immediate banning of blatant cheaters reported during live gameplay, providing some relief to the community. Additionally, players will have the ability to cancel a match if a cheater is detected. However, these measures are only temporary, and the long-term solution lies in the release of CS2 and Valve’s commitment to addressing cheating issues.
In the meantime, CS:GO players have no choice but to wait for the release of CS2 and hope that Valve takes the necessary steps to improve the overall matchmaking experience and combat cheating in the new game.