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Unpopular Champions: Darius, Aatrox, and Renekton Struggle Despite Popularity


In the world of League of Legends, popularity doesn’t always equate to success. Despite being highly picked champions in Patch 13.16, Darius, Aatrox, and Renekton are struggling with abysmal win rates that show no signs of improvement.

These three champions have become some of the most popular choices for the top lane position since Patch 13.14. They are favored for their tankiness, ease of play, straightforward combos, and relatively unchanged core items. They serve as reliable fallback options for many players.

However, despite their unchanged builds and tankiness, these champions are underperforming on the Rift. Aatrox, in particular, has received a series of nerfs and buffs to his abilities, especially his Q. Despite attempts to balance him, his win rate currently stands at a disappointing 48.93 percent.

Renekton and Darius are also struggling, with win rates below average. Renekton, despite not receiving direct nerfs recently, sits at a win rate of 49.33 percent and is considered a D-tier champion. Darius, too, has not been directly nerfed but still maintains a win rate of 49 percent.

These champions simply cannot compete with more meta picks like Garen, Malphite, or Mordekaiser. These champions offer durability, ease of play, and significant contributions to team fights and crowd control, making them more valuable and viable in the current meta.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that Aatrox, Darius, and Renekton will receive significant buffs in Patch 13.17. However, there is still hope for redemption. Aatrox’s abilities are undergoing changes, with his Passive and W dealing magic damage instead of physical damage. This could potentially alter his itemization and playstyle, but further testing is needed to determine the impact.

Additionally, the upcoming League patch will see buffs to items like Stridebreaker, Goredrinker, and Duskblade of Draktharr. These changes may cause a slight shift in the win rates of these top laners. We can only hope for some improvement until the patch is released on August 30.

About the author



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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