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League of Legends Player Spends 6 Years’ Worth of Blue Essence to Complete a “Stupid Joke”


A dedicated League of Legends player recently showcased their unwavering commitment to the game’s lore by utilizing six years’ worth of collected Blue Essence resources to fulfill a seemingly insignificant joke. In a Reddit post, the player proudly shared a screenshot of their League client, featuring Amumu as the sole champion displayed on the screen. Despite the mummy being the last champion left to purchase out of the 164 released, the player deemed it worthwhile to make him the loneliest boy in the roster.

Obtaining Amumu may not have been a challenging feat, considering he was released six years prior and only required 450 Blue Essence. However, this player’s unconventional objective garnered positive reactions from fellow gamers. Amumu, known for his adorable appearance and ability to inflict damage on champions when he cries, holds a special place in the hearts of many players.

The thread eventually caught the attention of Rioter HunterFork, who was moved by the player’s screenshot. In a generous gesture, they sent Riot Points (RP) to the user, enabling them to purchase Amumu and alleviate his perpetual loneliness by joining the rest of the champion roster.

While players continue to pursue various goals within the game, such as climbing the ladder or collecting skins for their main champions, this player’s dedication to completing a lighthearted joke showcases the diverse interests and motivations within the League of Legends community.

Remaining Content:

Time Score Content
Aug. 30 N/A The player shares a screenshot of their League client with Amumu as the only champion displayed.
6 years N/A The player spent six years collecting Blue Essence resources.
164 N/A Amumu is the last champion left to be purchased out of the 164 released champions.
450 Blue Essence N/A Amumu can be obtained by spending 450 Blue Essence.
Rioter HunterFork N/A Rioter HunterFork noticed the thread and sent Riot Points (RP) to the player, allowing them to purchase Amumu.
Briar N/A Briar, a 2,000-year-old vampire, is the next jungler set to join the game.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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