Attention all League of Legends players in North America! It’s time to take a break from the grind. Unfortunately, there is currently a login problem preventing access to the game. Riot Games is aware of this issue and is actively working on a solution.
When attempting to log in, players are met with an endless loading screen followed by an error message, ultimately kicking them out of the game. It’s important to note that this problem is specific to League of Legends and does not affect any other Riot Games titles or the general client.
Players in regions outside of North America are not experiencing these login issues and can successfully access the client to queue up for games. They are also able to catch a glimpse of the teasers for League’s upcoming jungle champion, Briar, who has an insatiable hunger for blood and life experiences.
Riot Games is actively investigating the login issues and working towards a fix. However, there is no specific timeframe for when the client will be back online. It’s worth mentioning that these problems arise just one day after the release of Patch 13.17, which brought changes to several influential champions and items.
We will continue to provide updates on this breaking news story as more information becomes available. Stay tuned!