In the world of Marvel Snap, Galactus is known as the ultimate annoyance. Fans unanimously agree that his ability to destroy other locations gives him a significant advantage, especially when he unleashes his devastating power. However, even the mighty Galactus has a weakness.
A Reddit user named Kmad03 shared a clip on Sept. 26 that showcased a game where their opponent activated Galactus’ effect to force a single-location battle. Kmad03, playing as Professor X, seemed to be at a disadvantage since their opponent had seven power compared to their mere three. But little did their opponent know, they were about to face an unexpected turn of events thanks to Jeff the Baby Land Shark.
Jeff the Baby Land Shark may not have impressive stats with only two energy and three power, but his true strength lies in his ability to be unstoppable. He can be played or moved to any location, even if it’s locked by Professor X. While one Jeff would only contribute six power to the game, having two Jeffs changes everything.
The gamer was fortunate enough to have two copies of Jeff in their hand, thanks to the Daily Bugle location that revealed their opponent’s hand on turn three. This allowed them to play both Jeffs in the final turn.
With a snap on turn six, the game became an eight-cube match. Despite their opponent’s determination to fight until the end, the gamer emerged victorious, claiming all eight cubes.
This post received over 1,300 upvotes and praise from the community for the clever combination of Professor X and Jeff. It goes to show that no one is safe in Marvel Snap, not even the mighty Galactus. In this case, a professor and two sharks turned the tide of the game in the gamer’s favor.
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