Valve has caused outrage among players by removing CS:GO from Steam and replacing it with CS2. This means that players can no longer access CS:GO’s official servers and all their achievements have seemingly disappeared.
Before the release of CS2, players could earn 167 achievements in CS:GO, ranging from simple tasks like getting kills with specific weapons to more time-consuming challenges like playing thousands of Arms Race or Demolition matches. The loss of these achievements has left many players frustrated and disappointed.
It is surprising that Valve did not preserve the history of CS:GO, as they have done with previous games like Counter-Strike: Source and CS 1.6, which still have dedicated pages on Steam. It appears that CS:GO has been completely replaced by CS2.
“I worked hard to achieve 100% completion in CS:GO last year, and now it’s all gone. It’s really disappointing,” one player expressed on Reddit. Another player, who considered themselves an achievement hunter, shared their disappointment and hoped that this change was only temporary.
To add insult to injury, Valve launched CS2 with only one effortless achievement. While it is likely that more achievements will be added in the future, this incomplete release raises questions about Valve’s intentions.
Players can only hope that Valve will reconsider their decision and create separate clients and Steam pages for CS:GO and CS2. This would not only benefit those who have a sentimental attachment to CS:GO but also those who are unable to play CS2 due to hardware limitations. Currently, the only way to play CS:GO is by opting into a beta version.
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