As a dedicated Viper main in VALORANT, I’ve witnessed her endure numerous nerfs over time. Despite these setbacks, her utility kit remains one of the strongest in the game. On the latest map, Sunset, Viper shines as a potent support agent, showcasing her true potential.
Sunset has significantly impacted the map meta in VALORANT’s Episode Seven, Act Two. It offers great flexibility, allowing for a wide range of agent compositions. What sets Sunset apart is its suitability for controller agents. It’s one of the few maps where Viper can excel as a solo controller.
However, due to recent fuel generation nerfs, I wouldn’t recommend playing Viper as the sole controller on any VALORANT map. This limitation hampers her potential and diminishes her exceptional support capabilities.
It’s important to note that Viper is not solely a controller agent. She combines elements of both a controller and a sentinel. While her smokes differ from Omen, Astra, and Brimstone, she excels in one crucial aspect: effectively shutting down or stalling enemy pushes, providing valuable time for teammates to arrive.
Despite her less reliable controller abilities, disregarding Viper on Sunset would be a mistake. Her strength lies in her role as a support agent. While the map may favor a single-controller meta dominated by Astra and Omen, neglecting Viper as a “pseudo-sentinel” would be unwise. There are valid reasons behind this claim.
On defense, Viper’s wall and orb can cover all major chokepoints on Sunset. By placing a wall from Mid Bomb Door to A Main and her Poison Cloud at B Main, you gain control over crucial areas of the map.
Additionally, you can throw the wall from Mid Bomb Door to the tall Radianite box near A Link, allowing your team’s sentinel to anchor A Elbow. Personally, I find this setup effective when playing B Site, as it provides support in Mid whenever necessary.
On the attack, learning Poison Cloud lineups for Mid Top and A Link, along with placing the wall on basic chokepoints, will suffice. You can also master Snake Bite lineups to further secure your position.
Viper’s wall and orb setups effectively block off essential chokepoints on Sunset, making her a valuable addition to any team composition. While she may not be the best “controller,” as a support or anchor agent, she brings unparalleled benefits to your strategies.
No other controller can match what Viper offers. Even as a solo controller on Sunset, she proves immensely beneficial, despite the limitations of her immobile Toxic Screen. Furthermore, her smokes recharge, unlike Brimstone’s. It’s worth noting that players face significant disadvantages when attempting to push through her smokes.
If you find yourself struggling to win defensive rounds and blaming the map design, it’s time to consider bringing Viper into the competition.
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