Pokémon, the beloved franchise known for its addictive formula, is breaking away from tradition with its first live-action series, PokéTsume. This risky new direction features humans mimicking the traits of Pokémon in a grounded and comedic slice-of-life story.
The show follows Madoka Akagi, a female protagonist who starts working at an advertising agency called ADventure. Rediscovering her love for Pokémon, Madoka realizes that the themes of the game can be seen in her daily life. The series will draw inspiration from the original Pokémon Red game, focusing on the first 151 monsters.
Nishino Nanase, chosen for the role of Madoka, brings her understanding and love for the franchise to the screen. Madoka’s backstory in Kanto before moving to modern-day Tokyo adds to the Gen I theme.
Despite the absence of actual Pokémon in the show, it is evident that the creators have poured their hearts into the creative decisions and details. Fans are eagerly anticipating the release of PokéTsume on Oct. 19, although a Western release has not been confirmed yet.
Please note that the table content below remains unchanged:
| Time | Score |
| 10:00 | 2-1 |
| 15:30 | 0-0 |
| 22:15 | 3-2 |