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Tachanka’s DP27 Buff Makes Him a Viable Anchor in Rainbow Six: Siege

Tim Price

After years of being a joke operator, Tachanka in Rainbow Six: Siege might finally have a chance to shine. With the recent buff to his DP27, he has the potential to become one of the best anchors in the game.

The DP27, Tachanka’s primary weapon, has received a significant damage increase from 49 to 60. This boost in firepower greatly reduces the time it takes to eliminate enemies. Ubisoft explains, “Despite the high damage, the time to kill is much higher than average regardless of enemy armor because of the low rate of fire.” The developers were initially hesitant to increase the rate of fire, but recent changes to the Extended Barrel have shown that it is acceptable for certain operators.

With his revamped weapon, Tachanka can effectively hold off multiple attackers and deny plant attempts with his Shumika Launcher. While he may not become a top-tier pick in competitive play, this buff makes him a genuinely viable choice in many matchmaking scenarios.

Tachanka has long been considered a joke operator, with his three-speed status and useless mounted LMG gadget. His previous rework improved his viability in specific lineups, but he still remained a lower-tier pick. However, this latest buff has the potential to elevate him to a more prominent role in Siege.

It will be interesting to see the data and player feedback after some time, but this change has the potential to transform one of Siege’s historically worst operators into a serious contender.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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