Players on Reddit are expressing their remorse over purchasing certain AAA games at full price. Despite the high budgets and hype surrounding these titles, players found themselves disappointed with their purchases. Games such as Evolve, Battlefield 2042, and Diablo 4 were among the most regretted choices.
The gaming industry has seen a rise in incomplete games filled with DLCs, microtransactions, and pay-to-play features. This has led to frustration among gamers who feel they are paying for unfinished products. The overall experience is often marred by the need for patches, updates, and fixes.
Evolve, for example, was marketed as an engaging multiplayer shooter with unique gameplay. However, players were immediately met with a Day 1 DLC release, one of the earliest instances of microtransactions. This angered players who had already paid for the full game and were not accustomed to additional charges. The negative reception and criticism of its monetization ultimately led to the downfall of Evolve, with its servers shutting down shortly after.
Blizzard, a once-revered developer, has also faced backlash for its recent release of Diablo 4. The game launched in an unfinished state at a high price, and players are now expected to pay for upcoming expansions. This has caused many players to lose faith in Blizzard’s commitment to quality.
Personally, I regretfully purchased Fallout 76 at full price due to my love for Bethesda games. However, the game was plagued with numerous bugs that made it nearly unplayable. Additionally, the story did not contribute much to the Fallout franchise. I ended up requesting a refund, and I have no regrets about that decision.
It is our hope that the trend of releasing unfinished games and relying on post-launch fixes will cease. The increasing prevalence of microtransactions is also a concern. Unfortunately, the current trajectory of the gaming industry does not inspire optimism. However, we can still make a difference by boycotting unfinished releases and games designed solely for extracting money from players. Together, we can influence producers and developers to prioritize the needs of gamers.
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