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Rise of the Floodborn Spoiler: Improvise – A Powerful One-Drop Action in Disney Lorcana Aggro Decks

Derek Morgan

Disney Lorcana Aggro decks have gained new support with the release of Rise of the Floodborn spoilers. One of the latest additions is Improvise, a one-cost combat trick in the Emerald color. This versatile Action is likely to see play in both Constructed and Casual formats due to its multiple forms of value.

Improvise stands out as one of the strongest one-drop Actions in Disney Lorcana. Not only does it provide an extra power boost to a chosen Character during combat, but it also allows the player to draw a card, providing card advantage. Additionally, being Inkable means that if Improvise isn’t needed, it can be discarded into the Inkwell, preventing it from becoming a dead card in hand.

Aggro archetypes, such as the Ruby Emerald Aggro deck, greatly benefit from cards like Improvise. Another powerful card from Rise of the Floodborn, Minnie Mouse, Wide-Eyed Diver, pairs well with Improvise. Minnie Mouse can be played early, has Evasive, and grants additional Lore to a Character whenever a second Action is played during a turn. The inclusion of cheap one-drop Inkable Actions like Improvise further strengthens the Aggro strategy in Disney Lorcana.

Players will have the opportunity to test out Improvise and Minnie Mouse, Wide-Eyed Diver when Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn releases on November 17th in game stores, with an official release date of December 1st.

Date Event Score
October 7 Improvise, a one-drop combat trick in Emerald, is revealed as a new Rise of the Floodborn spoiler N/A
November 17 Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn releases in game stores N/A
December 1 Official release date of Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn N/A

About the author



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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