Players of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have recently stumbled upon a hidden cosmetic feature in the game. When a Pokémon’s HP is low, they appear slightly dirtier and worn down. Although the difference is subtle and not easily noticeable, it adds a touch of realism to the game.
In a Reddit thread, one player shared side-by-side images of a “dirty” Pokémon next to a clean one for comparison. However, many players admitted that they had to squint hard to spot the difference. Without someone pointing it out, it’s easy to miss or mistake it for a shadow.
The dirt on weakened Pokémon can be removed by either restoring their health or using the wash feature during a picnic. This small detail has been appreciated by some players who enjoy the added realism in the game. However, others have expressed disappointment, suggesting that Game Freak could have focused on more useful features like visual and audio effects for wild Shiny Pokémon to improve accessibility.
While the inclusion of this subtle cosmetic feature may not have a significant impact on gameplay, it could be seen as a step towards making future Pokémon games feel more complete and polished. However, it is important for developers to address the various issues that have plagued Scarlet and Violet since their release.