League of Legends, with its vast array of champions and abilities, has seen numerous gameplay mechanics over the years. However, players recently discussed on Reddit if there are any mechanics that have yet to be explored in the game. These mechanics should offer a fresh and unique way to play, while still being reminiscent of existing mechanics.
One interesting suggestion was the idea of projectiles bouncing off walls. For example, Syndra could throw spheres that ricochet off walls, adding a new layer of strategy to her gameplay. Another champion, Vex, was initially designed with a similar concept, where she could create portals to send projectiles through.
Another player proposed the ability for Sivir to bounce her Q off walls, much like Captain America’s shield. This mechanic could potentially be applied to various skill shots in the game, opening up new possibilities for champions.
Many players also expressed their desire for a League version of Invoker from Dota 2. Invoker has three basic spells that can be combined to cast different spells, offering a wide range of possibilities. This complex and challenging mechanic could be applied to champions like Aphelios, who is already known for his intricate gameplay.
Another idea that gained traction was the concept of a rhythm champion. One player mentioned Twisted Fate’s W ability, where he has to pick a card, and suggested expanding this mechanic to other champions. Champions like Seraphine and Sona, known for their musical themes, were jokingly suggested as candidates for a more intricate gameplay experience.
While some of these ideas may not be well-received by all players, the focus should be on the fun and engaging nature of these mechanics. As a casual player, the enjoyment of using these new mechanics outweighs concerns about balance or power.
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