The beloved franchise, Guitar Hero, may see a revival thanks to the upcoming merger between Activision and Microsoft. Former Activision Blizzard CEO, Bobby Kotick, expressed his excitement about the possibilities that Microsoft’s wide-ranging capabilities could bring to the table. With access to Microsoft’s AI, machine learning, data analytics, and graphics expertise, Kotick sees unlimited potential for the future of Guitar Hero and other projects.
While this doesn’t confirm the development of a new Guitar Hero game, it suggests that the idea of a revival has been considered. The last installment in the series was Guitar Hero Live in 2015, which introduced a new advanced controller. However, many fans would be content with the return of the original controller, accompanied by new songs and upgrades.
With the Microsoft acquisition of Activision Blizzard on the horizon, the wait for news about a potential Guitar Hero comeback may not be long. Fans can look forward to the possibility of Microsoft’s resources breathing new life into the franchise.
Year | Game | Changes |
2015 | Guitar Hero Live | Introduced a new advanced controller |