A talented graphic and UI designer named Crews has brought to life a series of mock VALORANT popups and screens that hilariously poke fun at common occurrences in the game. While these designs are not real, they seamlessly blend into VALORANT’s interface and may help players realize certain aspects of the game they may have overlooked.
One of the mock popups suggests that if you consistently blind your teammates with flash abilities, you must wait for their approval before being able to use them again. This is a relatable situation for many players who have experienced the frustration of being flashed by their own teammates. It serves as a humorous reminder to think twice before using flash abilities carelessly.
Another mock popup addresses the issue of stream sniping. It humorously suggests that if you have an opponent’s Twitch stream open in your browser, your position will be revealed to the entire enemy team until you close it. While this feature would likely raise privacy concerns, it highlights the annoyance of stream sniping and adds a comedic twist to the situation.
The designer’s personal favorite mock popup takes a jab at players who vote to draw a match during overtime. In this fictional scenario, voting to draw is considered a criminal offense, and the offender is humorously depicted as being arrested by the local police force. The rest of the players receive a bonus as compensation for the psychological damage caused by the draw voter. This design playfully targets those who disrupt the flow of the game with unnecessary draw votes.
Lastly, the designer envisions an AI play-making assistant called ChatGPT that suggests plays for players to communicate to their team. This feature would help streamline matches and assist newer players by offering strategic suggestions based on the map and team composition. While this advanced feature may not be a reality yet, it highlights the potential for AI assistance in the game and the benefits it could bring to players.
Overall, Crews’ mock VALORANT popups and screens provide a lighthearted take on common game experiences. While they may not be real features, they offer a humorous perspective and may inspire players to consider certain aspects of the game in a new light.