Blue Squadron, a popular streamer known for playing Black Desert Online, has been fired from his teaching job after his ex-guildmates allegedly sent videos of his stream to his school, showing him using curse words and inappropriate language. This incident highlights the question of whether teachers should be held accountable for their actions outside of school hours.
Gaming can be both enjoyable and frustrating, and sometimes expletives slip out unintentionally. Unfortunately, Blue Squadron’s ex-guildmates took advantage of this and sent videos of his stream to his employers, resulting in his dismissal. Not only did he lose his job, but he also had to leave the guild he was a part of.
What makes this situation even more heartbreaking is that Blue Squadron’s father was a department chair at the same school. He expressed concern about the impact this incident could have on his father’s reputation. While he may not have cared about himself, he didn’t want his actions to reflect poorly on his family.
This incident raises an important question about the extent to which teachers should be held responsible for their behavior outside of school. Should a teacher be dismissed if they are seen drinking alcohol by a student, for example? While schools have the right to make such decisions, many argue that there should be some protection for teachers who have social media or other public-facing activities.
Blue Squadron responded to the situation on Reddit, stating that he still loved the school he worked at and that his streams were clearly labeled for mature audiences. He emphasized that gaming content cannot always be censored entirely, as it is not always suitable for all ages.
Despite the unfortunate end to his teaching career, Blue Squadron is looking ahead and embracing his life as a content creator. He remains grateful for the support he has received and is determined to move forward.