The debate over the best input in competitive Apex continues, but TSM hybrid player ImperialHal has shed light on why mouse and keyboard remains dominant in the ALGS Pro League. And console players may not like the answer.
According to ImperialHal, if Bangalore was removed from Apex, “mouse and key would be dogshit.” He made this statement during a discussion on his Twitch channel on October 12. He further explained that the only reason mouse and keyboard performed well at the Championships was because of Bangalore.
Bangalore, a Legend who has gained popularity in the Apex Pro League over the past year, has become the go-to choice for many players. With the nerf to Seer and the influx of controller players, Bangalore’s smoke has become essential in disrupting aim assist.
ImperialHal also revealed that he switched from mouse and keyboard to controller after realizing the overpowering combination of aim assist with Horizon and linear controls. He put two and two together and made the switch.
The strength of Bangalore was further highlighted by FURIA coach PVPX on Twitter. While the smoke completely removes aim assist for controller players, it has its limitations. PVPX explained that the indicator for aim assist starting is the sound of the smoke “hissing” stopping. This means that the smoke is the only effective way to reduce the strength of controller aim assist at close range. However, pro controller players have found ways to work around this counter.
Many mouse and keyboard in-game leaders (IGLs), such as Dark Zero’s Zer0, XSET’s Nocturnal, and former NRG IGL sweetdreams, opt for Bangalore as their pick. In ALGS year three, many teams used Catalyst to counter or synergize with Seer’s ultimate. But following the Seer nerfs, the switch to a Bangalore-Catalyst composition has become common to lower overall visibility and counter controller aim assist in endgames.
While there are still a few successful teams with a full roster of mouse and keyboard players, such as 100T, BLVKHVND, and FNATIC, even 100 Thieves dropped their entire roster of three mouse and keyboard players after the Championship LAN. FNATIC also dropped two of their mouse and keyboard players.
An analysis by Reddit user _sinxl_ revealed that sweetdreams, ImperialHal, Zaine, nafen, and Verhulst had the highest number of kills in the ALGS Split One playoffs. Three out of these five pros are controller players. Mouse and keyboard players may have superior mechanical skills, but when it comes to fighting power, controllers and aim assist dominate the professional Apex scene.
It is evident that regardless of the hours put into grinding Apex, controller users have a significant advantage in killing enemies due to aim assist.
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