Team Spirit’s Illya “Yatoro” Mulyarchuk, known for his quirky rituals, is considering an even bolder move at The International 2023. In a recent vlog, team captain Yaroslav “Miposhka” Naidenov hinted at a surprise for the fans, revealing that Yatoro might go on stage naked. While the details are unclear, this is the only planned surprise for the tournament.
Yatoro’s rituals have become legendary in the Dota 2 community. During their victorious lower bracket run at TI10, he shaved his head, which he attributed to their success. This became known as the “Yatoro Buff.” Other players, like Arteezy, tried to replicate this luck at TI11 by going bald, but it didn’t work out for them.
If Yatoro’s plan to go naked on stage becomes a reality, it could potentially lead to Twitch banning Valve, as it would violate their terms of service. However, Team Spirit has been dominating TI 2023 so far, winning all their group matches without a single loss. Only LGD has a chance to match their flawless record.
Despite a slow start to the 2023 season, Team Spirit’s late-season revival has impressed fans. They won the last two major events in the summer, earning $5.3 million in prize money. As one of the favorites, Team Spirit aims to achieve the same legendary status as OG in Dota 2 by winning their second Aegeis of Champions at TI 2023.