The ongoing debate between mouse and keyboard versus controller has been settled by Apex pros like TSM Mande, but can the newly discovered Emote Slide add extra time to a mouse and keyboard player’s life?
The “Emote Slide,” created by YouTuber Berghy, has become the talk of the town for mouse and keyboard players looking to add some fancy footwork to their playstyle. This mechanic involves using the emote wheel to initiate an animation, which is then canceled by crouching and seamlessly transitions into a Faide Slide. However, the Emote Slide can only be executed when the player’s weapon is holstered.
The purpose of this new movement mechanic is to gain momentum in situations where it wouldn’t naturally be available after strafing and shooting. It allows players to reposition themselves or close the gap between them and their enemy in a 1-versus-1 scenario against a controller player, which would otherwise be impossible to survive.
While this new mechanic can be used with either input method, it adds another technique to the arsenal of mouse and keyboard players. From Faide Slide to Superglide, Wallbounce, and Tap-Strafe, the Emote Slide adds a burst of speed and unpredictable movement to surprise opponents. However, since players cannot shoot during the emote animation, its usefulness may be questioned.
TSM Mande describes the new mechanic as “insane” and predicts that it will likely be removed by developers within three months, as they may consider it a bug or exploit. The fact that mouse and keyboard players have to rely on movement techniques to compete with controller players is already absurd. While characters like Horizon, Revenant, and Octane have movement abilities, they often work against mouse and keyboard players.
What’s even worse is that popular streamer and controller user, Extesy, can be seen demonstrating the Emote Slide. It’s highly unlikely that Berghy intended for this move to be used by controller players like him, but since the mechanic is available to everyone, there is a high chance of it being abused by controller players.
However, even with the Emote Slide, the long-standing debate between mouse and keyboard versus controller will not come to an end. If too many players start using this new movement mechanic, it could have devastating consequences for mouse and keyboard players, as controller users will quickly adapt and regain their advantage.
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