Valve has introduced a game-breaking bug in CS2 that allows players to float on the Vertigo map and kill opponents mid-air. This bug was discovered shortly after Valve released an update on Oct. 17, which disabled command aliases used by many players, including professionals, to de-subtick CS2.
In the patch notes, Valve claimed to have fixed cases where players could peek through ceilings, but they seemed unaware of the more severe bug players were exploiting. This bug, known as the “air peek” or “turret bug,” can also be replicated on Overpass, but it is particularly overpowered on Vertigo. Players can jump out of the construction site and kill opponents mid-air without dying themselves.
The fact that players can survive jumping from the construction site on Vertigo and catch others off-guard makes this bug incredibly unfair. While I haven’t personally encountered anyone abusing this bug in my recent CS2 Premier match on Vertigo, more players will likely exploit it if Valve doesn’t address it promptly.
This game-breaking bug raises concerns about the readiness of CS2 for competitive play. It serves as a strong argument for those who believe Valve released an unfinished game. Both Valve and ESL are fortunate that this glitch didn’t occur during IEM Sydney, as it would have reflected poorly on both the developer and the tournament organizer.
Vertigo has already faced criticism from players like NiKo due to sound issues on the map. With the addition of the air peek bug, it may now be considered the worst map in the rotation until Valve resolves the issue.
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