Twitch streamer dellor has been banned from the platform after revealing personal information about a user, a practice known as doxxing. The incident occurred on October 16, leading to his suspension. In a tweet shared by fellow streamer Jake Lucky on October 18, dellor admitted to his mistake and explained that he had acted out of frustration due to ongoing harassment and stalking.
In his tweet, dellor recounted the numerous instances of stalking and harassment he has endured over the past four years, including being swatted three times and even held at gunpoint. Despite reporting these incidents to the police and FBI, he claims to have received no assistance in protecting himself. Feeling helpless, he resorted to doxxing in an attempt to put an end to the harassment.
While sympathizing with dellor’s situation, it is important to note that doxxing is against Twitch’s policies and resulted in his ban. Jake Lucky expressed his support for dellor, acknowledging the lack of help from local law enforcement.
This is not the first time dellor has faced a ban on Twitch. In 2019, he received a temporary ban for self-harm-related content when he primarily streamed Overwatch. The duration of his current ban remains uncertain.
Date | Event |
October 16 | dellor banned from Twitch for doxxing |
October 18 | dellor apologizes for his actions in a tweet |
Past 4 years | dellor experiences stalking and harassment |
2019 | dellor receives temporary ban for self-harm content |