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Original Heading: Starfield Concept Images Suggest The Lodge Was Originally Meant to be on a Space Station


Emotional Title: Lost in Space: Starfield’s Missed Opportunity for a Stellar Headquarters

After examining concept images from 2018, players have come to the conclusion that The Lodge, the headquarters of the Constellation group in Starfield, was initially planned to be situated on its own space station rather than on New Atlantis. This discovery adds to the growing list of discrepancies between what was promised and what was delivered in the highly anticipated game.

One of the major letdowns for players was the realization that Starfield, touted as an open-world game, actually had boundaries that restricted its openness. Another disappointment came when players noticed that the Constellation group’s headquarters, which should logically be in space given their exploration-focused lore and name, was instead grounded on a planet.

Speculation arises as to why the developers made this change. Some players believe it was due to playtesters bypassing New Atlantis and heading straight for the Constellation, potentially missing out on important quests and content. Others suggest that the developers may have faced technical limitations in creating a space-heavy game, leading them to relocate everything to land.

Many fans express their disappointment with Bethesda’s decision to abandon the space station concept for the Constellation group. They argue that if the concern was players skipping early quests, the developers could have spaced them out more or incorporated them into the storyline starting from the Constellation.

It is important to note that the concept images from 2018 were not final and may have been created solely for promotional purposes or to tease players. Changes and new ideas are common during the development process, so it is possible that the original plan evolved or was replaced by other concepts.

Regardless, retaining the space station concept for the Constellation group would have been a more fitting choice, aligning with their lore and adding to the immersive experience of Starfield.

About the author



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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