The recent Season 16 update in Apex Legends implemented significant nerfs to hip fire for assault rifles, much to the dismay of the competitive Apex community. Players are now advocating for a reversal of this change, particularly for the R-301 and Flatline rifles, by emphasizing the need to restore their effectiveness in hip fire.
This alteration has inadvertently elevated burst weapons like the Hemlock and Nemesis to a dominant position, rendering full-auto rifles obsolete. Many players argue that the Hemlock and Nemesis are not only more oppressive but also require less skill to use effectively.
One popular suggestion is to revert the hip fire nerfs and damage reductions on the Flatline and R-301. Additionally, players propose limiting the Digital Threat attachment to shotguns only, as a means to counter the prevalence of smokes and restore shotguns to their former prominence in loadouts.
While there were few specific recommendations for changes to individual legends, some players believe that Ash could benefit from a buff. Currently, Ash’s pick rate stands at a mere 2.5 percent across various ranked matches, with her presence primarily limited to Bronze lobbies.
Although some responses were lighthearted, such as suggesting absurd buffs for the P2020, the majority of suggestions were practical and aimed at improving the overall balance of the game. It is hoped that future patches will address the concerns surrounding full-auto rifles and provide them with a viable role in the meta.
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