One month after its highly anticipated launch, the development team behind Counter-Strike 2 at Valve has shared details about the current state of the game and their plans for the future. They have announced their intention to introduce new weapons and game modes over time.
In an interview with PCGamer, Valve’s developers discussed the lead-up to the limited test of Counter-Strike 2, the events since its release, and what players can expect in the future. They emphasized that Counter-Strike 2 represents a significant technical advancement for the franchise.
Valve addressed the rocky launch state of the game and acknowledged the bugs and issues raised by the community. They defended the sub-tick system, despite initial performance problems, stating that it mostly functions as intended. They also emphasized the importance of player feedback in identifying and resolving underlying issues.
When asked about adding new content to the game, such as new weapons, Valve confirmed their plans to do so. However, they clarified that it is not their top priority at the moment. They will draw from their experience with new weapons in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) to guide their approach in Counter-Strike 2.
Valve also revealed their intention to reintroduce game modes from CS:GO that were not included in Counter-Strike 2, including Arms Race and community modes like surf. They believe that focusing on enjoyable gameplay is crucial for attracting and retaining a large player base.
The CS2 development team expressed their satisfaction with the game’s launch, describing it as an overwhelming success with humbling player numbers. They credited the limited test phase for providing valuable feedback during development. While a longer beta period would have been beneficial, they believe that the full launch expedited the process of improving the game.
Valve has ambitious plans for the future of Counter-Strike 2. They do not have a specific vision but are committed to a continuous process of execution over many years. The recent updates demonstrate their dedication to refining the game.
The question remains whether the Counter-Strike community can remain patient while the developers address any remaining issues. Only time will tell.
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