In Insomniac’s epic superhero sequel, Spider-Man 2, players have the ability to alter their universe by adjusting various settings. By changing the color settings, players can create a visual experience reminiscent of Spider-Man Noir’s universe from Into the Spider-Verse.
To bring the darkness of the Noir universe to life, simply navigate to the High Contrast Options in the Settings menu and disable features such as Hero and Ally Shaders. This will make your enemies stand out, just like they would in Spider-Man Noir’s world. The key setting to change, as discovered by Culture Crave on Twitter, is the High Contrast Background.
By switching this setting, the background transforms into black and white, replicating the same effect seen in Nicholas Cage’s Spider-Man universe. While there are a few other settings that can be adjusted for the full effect, these changes alone will do the trick.
Insomniac has included several nods to the Spider-Verse in Spider-Man 2, allowing players to unlock vintage suits from Marvel’s web-slinger history, including those from Sony’s animated film series.
In addition to the visual changes, players can also modify settings like Comic SFX and Film Style Animation to recreate the Into the Spider-Verse experience, complete with classic onomatopoeia found in comic-book frames. The Film Animation Style setting even provides a choppier animation, similar to what is seen in both Spider-Verse films.
It took players just under two weeks to discover this Easter egg, showcasing the Noir universe, after Spider-Man 2’s release on October 20. With hints of DLC releases and sequels throughout the game’s storyline, it’s possible that we may see even more variations of the Spider-Verse in the future.
So, if you’re looking to change up your Spider-Man 2 experience, why not dive into different universes and explore the possibilities?