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CS2 Knife Hit Registration Frustrates Players

Derek Morgan

Players in CS2 have been expressing their frustration with the knife hit registration, making it difficult to secure melee kills. On Nov. 1, Twistzz experienced this firsthand when he failed to land an easy frag.

Twistzz was playing a FACEIT lobby with cadiaN, kennyS, and YEKINDAR. As they were about to win the game, YEKINDAR suggested Twistzz go for a knife kill. However, to Twistzz’s dismay, the knife didn’t connect with the target despite the sound indicating otherwise. “What is this game, seriously,” Twistzz complained after being killed by his opponent.

This incident, similar to what many players have been experiencing, has sparked complaints on Reddit about the broken knife hit registration in CS2. This issue has persisted for months.

I have personally encountered the same problem while playing CS2. I attempted to backstab an opponent as they were planting the bomb, but the server failed to register the attack, despite my teammates and I hearing the knife hit on our end.

While knife kills are often pursued during easy games, they hold significance in specific situations due to the $1500 kill reward. For example, if your team’s economy is struggling, a successful backstab could make the difference between purchasing an AWP for your sniper or forcing them to use the M4A4/M4A1-S.

The issue with the knife in CS2 appears to be related to hit registration, as players are also encountering difficulties breaking vents with it. Additionally, firing your weapon seems to prevent the knife from inflicting maximum damage, as discovered by a player on Oct. 30.

Despite numerous complaints from players, Valve has yet to acknowledge or investigate the knife’s malfunctioning in CS2. It has been over a month since the game’s official release.

Dot Esports has reached out to Valve for comment.



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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