Valorant’s newest agent, Iso, has quickly caught the attention of knowledgeable analysts in the game’s pro scene. Despite being a recent addition to the official agent roster, experts are already recognizing the value of Iso’s abilities and playstyle.
During a recent episode of Plat Chat, a group of casters and analysts who work on the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) discussed their initial thoughts on Patch 7.09, with a particular focus on Iso. While Iso may not become a meta staple like Jett or Raze, the consensus among the broadcast talent is that his kit offers more value than initially anticipated.
One of the analysts, Josh “Sideshow” Wilkinson, expressed his surprise at Iso’s effectiveness, highlighting the power of having two Vulnerables that can be deployed at will. He also praised Iso’s ultimate ability, which can secure rounds by incapacitating enemy players within a large radius.
Brennon “Bren” Hook, who has played Iso extensively in ranked matches, found great value in using Iso’s ultimate to neutralize enemy sentinels, particularly after Cypher received buffs in the latest patch. By disabling Cypher’s traps, Bren could lead his team into advantageous situations.
The group agreed that Iso’s Contingency wall and Double Tap orb/shield can be situational, with their usefulness depending on specific scenarios. They noted that weapons like Stingers and Judges can be more effective when used in conjunction with Contingency to push into a site. Additionally, Bren and Sideshow emphasized the psychological impact of the Double Tap shield, as it intimidates opponents and boosts Iso’s confidence during engagements.
Bren mentioned that evaluating the value of the Double Tap shield itself can be challenging, as it sometimes only absorbs minimal damage but can also completely nullify powerful shots like those from an Operator.
Overall, the group agreed with the sentiment expressed in a review by Dot Esports that Iso could potentially replace situational agents like Reyna or Yoru in professional play, while also becoming a popular choice in ranked matches.