Apex Legends players are frustrated with teammates who abandon the Three Strikes mode during the Post Malone event. They question why these players even queued for the limited-time mode if they were going to quit after just one strike. One player, olo13508, expressed their annoyance in a Reddit post on November 12, suggesting that quitters should stick to the normal battle royale modes instead.
For those unfamiliar with Three Strikes, it is a temporary game mode in Apex Legends where each squad has three chances. If a squad gets wiped out three times, they are eliminated. Therefore, it is disheartening when teammates leave after the first strike.
While it is frustrating when teammates quit, there can be various reasons behind their decision, such as toxic behavior or lack of team cohesion. Like others who commented on the situation, everyone has their own reasons for giving up at times.
Another possible explanation is muscle memory. Many players have developed a habit of instantly quitting when their squad is wiped out, based on the regular battle royale mode. Some Apex players on Reddit have admitted to making this mistake.
Regardless of the reasons, it is always better for players to stick around and play through all three strikes rather than leaving immediately. It is important to fight until the end and give it your best shot.