Apex Legends players are angry about the limited rewards available in the Three Strikes mode, despite enjoying the collaboration with Post Malone. Many players are calling out Respawn Entertainment for being greedy and not offering enough rewards.
The Three Strikes mode, which features enhanced revive times and multiple strikes for teams, has been well-received. However, players are disappointed with the rewards on offer. For 100 Camo Credits earned through completing event challenges, players can purchase Apex Packs, but they are limited to just two packs per day for the entire two-week event.
Players have criticized this as a money grab by Respawn Entertainment. They argue that previous Apex events had similarly poor reward offerings. While two free Apex Packs are appreciated, players believe more rewards should be available.
Some players even joked that Post Malone, who collaborated on the event, probably received more packs than the rest of the player base combined. However, it is unlikely that Post Malone, with his large following, would be concerned about the game’s monetization or other issues.
Despite the disappointment with the rewards, players are still enjoying the Three Strikes mode. Some have called on Post Malone to speak out about the game’s handling and monetization, hoping that his influence could bring about positive changes.
In the meantime, players will continue to play the Three Strikes mode, appreciating its cool gameplay.