Apex Legends players are expressing their dissatisfaction with the appearance of the upcoming legend, Conduit, claiming that the character’s design resembles too closely to Fortnite.
Initially, there was no negative reaction to Conduit’s design on the official website, as it featured the typical two-dimensional, anime-style artwork commonly seen in splash art. However, players’ opinions changed when they saw a three-dimensional version of the character on the loading screen in the Apex: Ignite Launch Trailer on YouTube.
The cartoonish design of Conduit in the artwork immediately caught players’ attention, and many quickly voiced their concerns, noting the striking resemblance to a Fortnite skin or character.
One Apex player commented, “It looks too smooth and clay-like. I was really excited for this new character, but this completely ruined it. If I wanted to play Fortnite, I would already be playing Fortnite.” Another player echoed this sentiment, saying, “This design is just another step towards Apex becoming more like Fortnite.”
Some players believe that the backlash against Conduit is happening too quickly, but the majority argue that the issue lies in the overall resemblance to Fortnite, rather than the character itself.
A trailer set to be released on October 24 will provide players with a closer look at Conduit in action. The character will officially join the Apex Games on October 30, allowing players to see if the resemblance to Fortnite was exaggerated or if it was a valid concern based on a single splash art image.
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