Apex Legends players are finding new ways to outsmart their opponents by using respawn beacons as strategic tools instead of just reviving fallen teammates. By dropping these beacons, players can gain a tactical advantage and lure enemy teams into traps.
When a respawn beacon is deployed, it creates a protective structure that can be used as cover. Players have realized that this can be utilized in a similar way to knockdown shields, providing a shielded position for a crouching legend. This tactic proves effective even when there are no fallen teammates to revive, as the beacon can still serve as valuable cover in open-field scenarios.
Not only can players use respawn beacons defensively, but they can also employ them offensively. By deploying a beacon, enemy squads may assume that a team is struggling and decide to push. However, this assumption can be exploited, leading the enemy into a cleverly laid trap. It’s important to be prepared to counterattack when using this baiting strategy.
These innovative tactics showcase the resourcefulness and quick decision-making required in Apex Legends. The game goes beyond simple aim-and-shoot mechanics, rewarding players who can think strategically and adapt to high-pressure situations. Remembering these respawn beacon tricks could be the key to victory in intense battles against multiple squads.