Season 19 of Apex Legends, titled Ignite, brings with it one of the biggest map overhauls in the game’s history. While a new map isn’t included this time around, Storm Point, an existing map, has undergone significant changes to its scale and points of interest (POIs). The aim of these updates is to enhance the mid-game action and improve the overall gameplay experience in casual playlists.
According to Eduardo Agostini, Apex’s world director, the focus of the update was to address the issue of limited combat encounters in casual play without compromising the competitive integrity of the map. Approximately 40% of the map has been modified, including the addition of six new POIs. Some of these new locations replace areas destroyed by the storm, while others are part of the island’s rebuilding efforts. Additionally, the placement of Lightning Rod, a prominent POI, has been shifted, and the size of the coastline in the southern region has been reduced.
The primary goal of these changes was to increase the fun factor for players. New central POIs, such as Wattson’s Pylon and CETO Station, have been added to facilitate immediate combat encounters. CETO Station now replaces a previously insignificant Prowler island, creating an attractive drop location in the middle of the map. These updates aim to create a more exciting mid-game experience with more frequent encounters.
The map updates tie into a larger narrative involving two factions, the Syndicate and ECHO, who have established their presence on the island following the storm. Wattson’s Pylon serves as a Town Takeover for the Syndicate, with Wattson assisting in the restoration of the power grid. All the new locations allow players to explore and engage with both factions.
Wattson’s Pylon acts as the headquarters for the energy infrastructure being set up, while ZEUS Station and CETO Station support these efforts. On the ECHO side, their headquarters is located in the ECHO Headquarters POI, serving as their base of operations as they clean up the Devastated Coast, formerly known as the Fish Farms. The Coastal Camp is another location where ECHO is working to clean up the remnants of the Hestia, a ship that washed ashore.
These updates, combined with a rework of the “forbidden zone” in the middle of the map and an overall increase in available loot, aim to make Storm Point a more exciting option for casual players. The impact on competitive integrity will become clearer as professional players have the opportunity to experience the updated map.
This overhaul of Storm Point marks the first year since Apex Legends’ launch in 2019 without the introduction of a completely new map. However, frequent map updates ensure that players still have fresh content to enjoy. It suggests that Respawn may be slowing down map production, as the game now features a total of five maps.
The Energized map update for Storm Point will be released alongside Apex Legends Season 19, Ignite, on October 31st, available on all platforms.