Players of Baldur’s Gate 3 have shared their experiences with devastating insults from non-playable characters (NPCs) in the game. These insults, particularly when it comes to romantic rejections, can leave players questioning themselves long after the game is over.
In a Reddit thread, players discussed the impact of NPC insults, which ranged from lines like “It’s not you, it’s me… I have standards” to “I’m the one you love? That’s so sad for you.” These insults can cause emotional damage and haunt players even outside of the game.
Some insults target players’ physical appearance, such as being called the “Ugly One” by a Djinn at the circus. While meant to grab attention rather than degrade, these insults can still sting, especially after spending time customizing a character’s appearance.
The frequency of insults in Baldur’s Gate 3 has led players to question whether this is an intentional feature to enhance immersion or something to be concerned about. There’s nothing quite as immersive as being insulted directly to your face.
Reading about these insults may bring back memories of personal experiences with hurtful remarks. It serves as a reminder to always be kind to others, both in real life and in games, including multiplayer settings. A little kindness can go a long way in making the world a better place.
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