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Best Champions in Nexus Blitz: Tier List and Rankings


Overpowered Picks

These champions are the cream of the crop in Nexus Blitz, dominating the game with their powerful abilities and high win rates.


Seraphine is a force to be reckoned with in Nexus Blitz. Her ability to deal massive damage, coupled with her sustain, makes her a formidable champion. Take advantage of the mode’s extra mana regeneration to unleash her full potential.


Kayle thrives in Nexus Blitz, thanks to the increased experience gain. She can skip her weak laning phase and quickly become a powerhouse. Consider adding Deathfire Grasp to your build for even more damage.


Kog’Maw excels in the chaotic teamfights of Nexus Blitz. With the mode’s unique Golden Spatula item, he becomes even more deadly. It’s no wonder he boasts a win rate of over 65%.


Brand benefits greatly from the bonus mana regeneration in Nexus Blitz. His ultimate ability, Pyroclasm, can devastate entire teams. Unleash his fiery power and watch your enemies crumble.


Zyra, like Seraphine and Brand, takes full advantage of the bonus mana regeneration in Nexus Blitz. Her ultimate, Stranglethorns, can turn the tide of any skirmish. Keep your opponents on their toes with her deadly plants.

S-Tier – Burst, CC, and Dashes

These champions excel in dealing burst damage, crowd control, and mobility. They may not be as dominant as the overpowered picks, but they can still turn the tide of battle in Nexus Blitz.

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A-Tier – Dominant Teamfighting

These champions shine in teamfights, controlling the battlefield and securing victory for their team. Whether they are bruisers, marksmen, or mages, they bring immense power to the fights in Nexus Blitz.

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B-Tier – Strong Champs

These champions may not stand out as much as the higher tiers, but they are still strong contenders in Nexus Blitz. With proper skill and knowledge, they can lead you to victory.

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C-Tier – Pocket Picks

These champions may not be the top choices, but they can still surprise your opponents with their unique playstyles. Use them wisely and catch your enemies off guard.

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D-Tier – The Worst to Play

These champions are not recommended for Nexus Blitz. While they may be fun to play in other game modes, there are better options available in Nexus Blitz.

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Now that you know the best champions to pick in Nexus Blitz, go out there and dominate the game. Remember, the mode is only available until Nov. 27, 2023, so make the most of it while you can!



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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