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Brand Struggles to Find Success in the Mid Lane Despite Recent Buffs


Brand, the fiery champion in League of Legends, is facing difficulties in finding his place in the mid lane despite recent buffs from Riot Games. Although Riot aimed to increase his viability with significant AP ratio increases and adjustments to his mana growth, Brand’s performance remains lackluster.

In Patch 13.16, Brand’s win rate in the mid lane saw a slight increase of one percent, bringing it to around 49 percent. However, his pick rate remains low due to the dominance of mobile mid laners in the current meta. Champions like Naafiri, Neeko, and Ahri, who possess mobility and crowd control, pose a significant threat to Brand’s immobile nature.

Brand’s struggles stem from his reliance on teamfights to unleash his immense damage potential. Unfortunately, his lack of mobility and fragility make it challenging for him to participate effectively in these engagements. Unlike other mages, Brand is limited to a specific build path, primarily focusing on Liandry’s Anguish into Rylai’s Crystal Scepter.

While the recent buffs have been beneficial for Brand in the support role, the meta currently favors engage-heavy champions such as Rakan, Rell, Nautilus, and Alistar. While Brand can handle them with his poke damage early on, he becomes vulnerable if they manage to close the gap. Additionally, Brand lacks utility for his lane partner, leaving them reliant on their own skills or assistance from other allies if they fall behind.

Riot has not indicated any further changes for Brand in the near future. It is possible that these recent buffs may prove more effective over time as the meta shifts. However, as of now, Brand has yet to reach his full potential as the Burning Vengeance.

About the author



About Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

With a degree in journalism and a passion for dogs, Sarah is the perfect fit for the role of content creator. She spends her days researching and writing about various dog-related topics, from training and health to breed-specific quirks and everything in between.





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