Bungie, the renowned game studio responsible for Destiny 2 and the original Halo series, has been struck by layoffs today. The full extent of the job cuts is not yet known, but CEO Pete Parsons has informed the staff via email that there will be a team meeting to discuss the news. Two Bungie community managers, Liana Ruppert and Sam Bartley, have already confirmed their layoff on Twitter, and it is anticipated that more announcements will follow throughout the day.
Expressing her distress, Ruppert shared on Twitter, “I am now looking for opportunities. I have 21 years of experience in the games industry, specializing in media, production, and community management. I’m devastated and unsure of what to do next… Bungie was my home, and I feel utterly lost.”
Bungie, now operating under the PlayStation umbrella after Sony’s acquisition of the studio for $3.6 billion in 2022, is the second subsidiary to face layoffs within the past week. Media Molecule, the developer behind LittleBigPlanet, reportedly let go of 20 percent of its workforce on October 24.
This breaking news story will be updated as more details emerge.
Table: Bungie Layoffs
| Time | Score |
| 2023 | – |
| 2022 | – |
| 2021 | – |
| 2020 | – |
| 2019 | – |
Note: The table contains information about the layoffs at Bungie over the years. The specific details regarding the number of employees affected and the impact on the company’s performance are not provided.