Capcom, the renowned game publisher, is set to release a highly anticipated and undisclosed game by the end of the current fiscal year. This strategic move aims to further elevate their already record-breaking sales and solidify their position as a leading industry player.
In a recent Q&A session on the Japanese Capcom website, the company confirmed the impending launch of a “major unannounced title” before the fiscal year concludes in March 2024. While no specific details were disclosed, it is speculated that the game could belong to their immensely popular franchises, such as Monster Hunter or Resident Evil.
The decision to label this upcoming release as “major” suggests that Capcom intends to make a significant impact on the market. Speculation has been rife about a new Monster Hunter game, especially after Capcom teased its development in a video celebrating the franchise’s 20th anniversary.
Capcom’s primary objective with this undisclosed title is to bolster their sales figures and achieve their end-of-year targets. The publisher has already announced that it is on track to achieve its 11th consecutive year of income growth. Notably, Street Fighter 6 emerged as their best-selling game, surpassing 2.47 million units sold since its launch.
With an already successful 2023, Capcom aims to make 2024 even more remarkable with the release of this mysterious game. While details remain scarce, it is possible that the title will be unveiled during a major event towards the end of this year or at the beginning of the next.
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