Spawns Require Significant Adjustments
The beta test for MW3 revealed a major issue with inconsistent and poor spawn placement in the game’s respawn modes. This problem made the classic maps of MW2 feel frustrating and unimpressive in comparison. To ensure a better launch, it is crucial to improve the spawn logic and prevent players from spawning near or in front of enemies.
Improve Visibility
Despite the addition of nametags above enemy heads, visibility in the MW3 beta was still a major concern. Many players struggled to differentiate between teammates and foes, leading to panic-shooting and friendly fire incidents. The game’s graphic settings or color gradient should be adjusted to enhance visibility and make it easier to spot enemies.
Weapon Balancing
In the beta, the MCW and Striker weapons stood out as significantly more powerful than others. While having strong weapons is not inherently problematic, it becomes an issue when other guns pale in comparison. Instead of nerfing the dominant weapons, it would be better to bring the other weapons up to their level, creating a more balanced gameplay experience.
Stop Disbanding Lobbies
A minor but important request is to stop disbanding lobbies after every match. In earlier CoD games, lobbies remained intact, allowing teams to play against each other for multiple games, fostering rivalries, and building friendships. Disbanding lobbies only when one team was overwhelmingly defeated can also be a positive feature. Bringing back this feature would greatly enhance the overall player experience.
Tone Down Skill-Based Matchmaking
While it may be wishful thinking, addressing skill-based matchmaking would greatly benefit the game. Skill-based matchmaking is designed to retain players and generate revenue, but many players find it frustrating to constantly face highly skilled opponents in public matches. It would be a dream come true for many if the matchmaking system could strike a better balance between skill levels, making public matches feel less like intense ranked games.
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