In League of Legends, players often get auto-filled to the support role, and it’s usually the least preferred position. On October 5th, players discussed the biggest mistakes made by support players in the game.
One common mistake is when support players choose champions from other positions, such as Xerath, Zac, or Lux, and neglect their duties in the bottom lane. This can be detrimental to the entire team as it allows the enemy duo to exploit the AD Carry, giving them an early advantage.
Some support players approach the role as if they were playing a different position. For example, they may pick Lux and play her as if she were a mid laner who happens to be in the bot lane without focusing on farming. However, playing support requires using your health bar as a resource for trading, establishing presence in the lane, and controlling vision.
Many players shared their experiences of ADCs losing their lane due to support players who prioritize tasks that should be the responsibility of mid laners or junglers, rather than focusing on the bottom lane.
It is important for players to be prepared to take on different roles when needed, even if they have a main role preference. Being autofilled is better than waiting in queue for an extended period of time.
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