Apex Legends players are raving about the newly released legend, Conduit, and believe that Respawn has created the ultimate support character. Just a week after her release, players are already hailing her as the best support legend in the game.
In a Reddit post on November 5th, one player expressed their opinion that Conduit is easily the most powerful support legend. This sentiment was echoed by other players who praised her abilities and agreed with the assessment.
However, players do not want Conduit to be nerfed. Instead, they are calling for buffs to other support legends like Lifeline and Newcastle, who have fallen out of favor in the meta. Newcastle, in particular, has one of the lowest pick rates in the game.
What sets Conduit apart from legends like Lifeline, Newcastle, and Mirage is her ability to prevent disasters and ensure her teammates are less likely to be downed. While the other support legends have their strengths, they mainly excel when their allies are already downed.
One player summed up Conduit’s greatness by stating that she is proactive, reactive, and defensive all in one. She brings a well-rounded set of skills to the table, making her an excellent support legend.
Overall, players are thoroughly enjoying playing as Conduit and believe she is in a fantastic spot. Respawn may have struck the perfect balance with a legend that is both fair and strong enough to shake up the diverse meta.